Too nice not to ride this afternoon.

30 10 2011

With snow on the way, I figured today was a good day to ride. Even a short one is better than none.

24 10 2011

Thoughts on a 4000 mile Bicycle Tour…

24 10 2011

It’s always interesting to read a piece written by someone else who seems to describe a similar experience in terms which illustrate your own. The following is just such a piece, A Man, a Bike and 4,100 Miles, by Bruce Weber of the New York Times.

In the piece, Weber writes of his 4000 mile bicycle tour across the USA this summer. He doesn’t dwell on the day-to-day challenges, nor does he dwell on the pain and doubt he experienced along the way, though it certainly gets a mention. He also does not write in overly descriptive terms of the beauty of the country, or the people he met. No, he writes from the perspective of a man of 57 years experiencing something few of us ever do; for the second time in his life.

As he comes to the close of his ride, reflects upon the internal changes which have taken place, as well as the memories of the experience which, perhaps surprisingly, are not so easy to recall. Yet, when he does recall them, they are incredibly vivid.  What I like most about this piece is the sense that no matter how many times one takes a long distance ride, and this is the second time Weber has ridden cross-country, it is a completely unique experience.

“This isn’t to say I don’t dream about crossing the George Washington Bridge with my arms raised in triumph (and then putting away my bicycle for a winter’s hibernation.) I do. But my visions aren’t terribly convincing; they generally engender despair, causing me to sigh out loud and give off a lament that begins with the words “I’ll never. … ” It makes me more than a little nervous to write this article now, about 300 miles from Manhattan. It may be easy to expect that someone who has already pedaled 3,600 miles can do 300 with his eyes closed, but I don’t think so. In order to own those miles, I have to expend my energy on them; in order to live those days, I have to work through all their hours. I’m as daunted by the next 300 miles as I was in Astoria by the first 3,600.”

This is something I too encountered on my own 800 mile trek from Phoenix to Denver. Until I arrived, I never quite believed I would make it and, even when I did, I couldn’t really grasp the fact that I had done so. Even today it sometimes amazes me that I was successful in my first-ever bicycle tour. But the memories linger, as proof that it is true.

I thoroughly enjoyed this read. So many of the things we experienced were similar, yet very different, due to the unique perspective each of us brought to the experience, I believe. It brought back many memories for me, and for that I am grateful. I think it has also begun to fuel the fire for my next long ride.


Simple tips for making your bike commute easier and more fun…

12 10 2011

I just wanted to share this with you. Here are some simple tips for making your bike commute easier and more fun.

From Bike Commute Tips Blog.


No rides for you!!!

8 10 2011

Our little bike spin last Sunday took place under sunny skies in 85° weather. Today it is not quite as nice…with clouds and a rain/snow mix, and just 37°.

I know it isn’t winter yet but it sure feels “wintery” today. Yuck…


Testing WordPress Publicize…

6 10 2011

This is a test…This is only a test…Had there been a real emergency, etc., etc., etc.

He don’t just talk ’bout bikes…

6 10 2011

From BikeSnob NYC yesterday…

“Pretty much everything qualifies as a “culture,” and the members of a “culture” celebrate when someone appropriates their “culture” and sells it back to them. We live in a strange age of intellectual political correctness, where everything is brilliant and nothing is crap, and all creative expression no matter how derivative warrants the same degree of sycophantic fawning.” (BSNYC)

Please treat yourself to a good read and an early morning smile, as The Snob goes after pretentious fools once again.


I enjoy running errands by bike, don’t you?

5 10 2011

Today’s ride…

2 10 2011

Here are a couple of shots from the Chery Creek Trail, above Kennedy Golf course looking southwest.

Took a little spin today with Darryl. Really needed to work the legs a bit after a very sedentary week spent working on the new website.

2 10 2011