25 09 2010

Check out what we have going over on Mile-Hi Cycle Guy…

We haven’t been completely idle around here, folks.

We’ve been busy rebuilding bikes for others; those who’ve brought us their bikes to rebuild for them, as well as a couple of others who came to us to satisfy some very specific needs. They chose bikes from our inventory and, with a deposit, we were more than happy to rebuild the bikes they selected.

Now that we’re back into rebuilding the bikes we’ve found, we just wanted to show you what we have coming your way soon. Sort of a Preview of Coming Attactions…

Matching Pair of Trek 1200 Road Bikes (Med & Sm)
Complete Shimano 105 Groupo
Perfect for a couple

Matching Pair of Trek 820 Antelope MTB’s (Med & Sm)
Perfect for a couple

Raleigh SC-40 Medium Hybrid

K2 Arcadia Medium Hybrid

So, these are just half-a-dozen of the bikes we have waiting to be rebuilt and hybridized…bikes waiting for you. Yes, we do have more than these and, when they’re ready, we’ll make them available too.

By the way, if you see something here which you just can’t live without, get in touch with us and your bike will be our next rebuild!

Keep those cranks turning,

Mile-Hi Cycle Guy


11 09 2010

OMG…look at what Andi has come up with. She is absolutely amazing. We look sooooooo professional now, don’t we?


Our first group ride…

8 09 2010

On Saturday, Andi and I went on our first Group Ride, sponsored by our local LBS (local bike shop). We had a great time.

I can’t help but be very proud of her as it was her first ride outside the neighborhood, and…she rode an amazing 16 miles!!!

Here’s a shot of Andi as we paused to rest after a tough climb:

Andi's 1st Group Ride

The bike shop, Bicycle Village, Aurora, does a great job on these rides. They provide a leader to show the way, as well as a “Sweeper,” who follows and takes care of the slower riders. We spent a lot of time with him. His name is Darryl, and he could not have been nicer, or more understanding. Here he is with his new pup after the ride:

Our "Sweeper," Darryl

And, of course, the gratuitous shot of me, your humble blogger:

RC wearing his new knickers

Anyway, I’ve always been reluctant to try a group ride, first believing I was too slow, then deciding I didn’t want to ride with a bunch of overly competitive jerks. It wasn’t like that at all. It was very pleasant, and we’ve decided to do it again.


Not fat anymore…Part ll

7 09 2010

I have been informed that my earlier post, in which I described my dramatic weight loss due to cycling, was insufficient to the occassion. Pictures, pictures, pictures are required.

So, here they are…

July 16, 2005

September 1, 2010

I’ve titled these two shots “Then” and “Now,” rather than “Before” and “After,” because I refuse to believe in the after. I’m not done losing weight yet.
