MHCG Cycling eBook on Sale for Just 99¢

19 12 2012

On sale now, and for a Limited Time, at the Amazon Kindle Store Rediscover Your Joy with Bicycles and Cycling, the eBook we created for beginning and returning cyclists over at Mile-Hi Cycle Guy. We put it ON SALE in time for Christmas giving!

cycling ebook for kindle

This is one of my favorite reviews, not only because it is so complimentary, but also because it came from a friend I haven’t seen in decades.

Thorough yet brief and easy-to-read…Increased knowledge for shopping wisely; better understanding of types of bikes available; good pointers about safety and cycling-related, off-bike exercise … I recommend it whole-heartedly! This book should be read – and re-read – as much as necessary, especially before shopping and buying things – by anyone who is a novice about riding, or anyone who may have interest in using a bicycle more often for a variety of purposes … It helped a great deal to see the must-haves, should-haves, and “cools” as far as what to buy and own for maximum riding enjoyment and safety, and to understand more clearly which are which.”-Martin “Tex” Maier, Houston, TX

Here is an excerpt from the Must-Haves Section of the book, mentioned by “Tex” …

“What Are Your Bicycle Necessities: 7 Must-Haves for Enjoyable Cycling

There are certain necessities, besides a bicycle, required for a consistently safe, comfortable, enjoyable cycling experience. By being prepared for any eventuality, you can make every ride a joy, even when something goes wrong!

Hydration … Hydration is critical to an enjoyable cycling experience. A simple water bottle, with bottle cage attached to the bike frame, provides a convenient source of water. Many, if not most, bikes will have two cage mounting positions, called braze-ons, where two water bottles may be carried; perhaps one would contain water to keep you hydrated, while the other might contain something like Gatorade, to provide other vital fluids and electrolytes.

Tube/Tire Repair … Experiencing a flat tire while far from home is no fun at all, however, being able to repair the flat quickly, or replace the tube, can salvage an enjoyable ride. Just remember this; if you actually use your bicycle – you will get a flat tire … so, be prepared with a basic repair kit … including an inflation device (e.g., a pump or CO2 inflator). These need not be expensive but are critical to consistent, enjoyable riding.

For more Cycling Tips, visit us at: Mile Hi Cycle Guy

Wedge Pack … Having a convenient place to carry your tools will also make your ride more fun. Putting your tools in your pockets can be uncomfortable, while a small bag tucked beneath the seat makes carrying tools, your ID, some emergency cash, and your cell phone convenient, but won’t interfere with bike handling. 

Helmet … Surprisingly, the debate over whether or not to wear a helmet while cycling is a very contentious one. We say this, for children … ABSOLUTELY ALWAYS wear a helmet. For adults … wear a helmet MOST OF THE TIME. In some states a helmet is required by law. Where it is not, I recommend this … anytime you ride in the street you should be wearing a helmet. This is why it is under our “must-haves” list.

Shoes … Cycling shoes are designed to aid in the transfer of power from legs to pedals; from pedals to cranks; from cranks to drive train; from drive train to rear wheel. They are supremely well suited to this purpose. However, they can also be quite expensive. A good quality comfortable shoe, with a stiff sole, can accomplish much the same thing for the novice or returning cyclist.

Clothing … Riding in comfort will also, of course, make the cycling experience much more enjoyable. Cycling-specific clothing is, again, very well designed to enhance the cycling experience. Once more, however, these items can be pricey. Athletic clothing, clothing designed to wick perspiration away from the body, can be worn just as comfortably for cycling; without being prohibitively expensive.

Another quick thought about helmets and cycling…

I am a huge proponent of freedom of choice and independence. In fact, I oppose mandatory helmet laws for both cyclists and motorcyclists. I believe that adults have the right to make the choice for themselves so, why do I so strongly advocate the use of helmets when riding a bicycle? After all, a helmet will do little or nothing to protect you if you are hit by a two-ton truck, right?

Quite simply, I recommend the use of a helmet because cyclists fall down – a lot – and a helmet will help protect you from serious injury when you fall from your bike. That’s it.”

 An eBook is a great way to stuff a stocking electronically and now, for just 99¢, you can give a great little gift to the beginning or returning cyclist in your family. Just choose the “Give as a Gift” button on the Kindle Store Page and enter their email address and, within minutes, they’ll receive their copy of Rediscover Your Joy with Bicycles and Cycling.

If you would be so kind, after you’ve read the book, please return to the Kindle store and write a review.We live for feedback.
