Why My Summer Became a Bummer

22 07 2014

In my family, we were raised to be proud, of our family and ourselves, even of our family name.

There certainly are things I’ve done in my life about which I’m proud, just as there are things about which I’m not. This does not make me unique, of course. Time and experience present all of us with challenges. Some we meet and overcome, leading to a sense of pride, and some we don’t, leading to the opposite.

Today, I seem to find myself in one of those “don’t” times; presented with a challenge I’m unable to meet. Not proud, but embarrassed that my situation has gotten the best of me.

Coming from a proud family as I do, I’ve also found that swallowing my pride has always been one of the most difficult challenges I can be presented with. I have trouble asking for help. Doing so hurts, and has a powerful effect on my sense of self, as well as my sense of pride.

Yet, here I am, struggling to succeed with my writing business; struggling to pay my bills; struggling with the need to ask others to help me.

Without going into too much detail…

Early this year I took in a roommate to help cover my rent and living expenses. After one month however, he disappeared and I had to find another. Needless to say, this put me behind the eight ball and, since then, I’ve been struggling to catch up. With the annual downturn in business that hits every summer, I now find myself unable to meet my obligations.

So, I’ve decided to swallow my pride in public, and ask for help from my online family and friends. If you are able – and willing – to offer help, please use the “Donate” button on this page to help out a silly old man who just can’t seem to get it right sometimes. (PayPal account not required.)

I will be more grateful than you can imagine, and promise to do my best to keep my pride in check, and to never need this type of help again. I also promise to “pay it forward,” as soon as I am able.

Thank you,




2 responses

22 07 2014
Carol Olson

Hi Richard So sorry times are hard for you right now. I don’t see a contribution button Carol

Sent from my iPhone


22 07 2014

Hi Carol,

Thank you. It should say “Donate,” not contribute. I think it does now. In the side bar to the right.

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